The visit of Dr Elaine Storkey - theologian, academic, media voice and activist on world issues - yielded a really inspiring hope-filled conversation. It seems that a lot of her current passions - justice for women, climate change, HIV/AIDS - all come together on the continent of Africa, and she talked passionately about how TEAR Fund [of which she is UK president] along with other NGOs are having a real crack at reshaping things there. She told some great stories, the impact of which will no doubt remain with us - like the one about a buddhist friend in South East Asia who took Elaine on an unexpected tour to visit and pray with people in great distress, and who described herself as a buddhist follower of Jesus. Elaine is an intellectual of course [and The Guardian agrees], but we were struck by the simple and mystical nature of her belief in God and her following of Christ. Thank you Elaine for a wonderful conversation.