by mayBe-Cara

Dave Richards is a 41 year old journalist married to Sam. He has been with mayBe community since September 2005 How are you feeling at the moment? Peaceful and excited at the same time What are you reading / listening to / watching at the moment? Reading Mirakl (The Miracle) by Josef Skvorecky, listening to Antony Heggarty and Wagner, watching fuel prices How did you discover mayBe? I saw mayBe in the Greenbelt Festival programme - then waited in frustration during the fire alarm disaster Would you like to draw a self-portrait here? Yes...
dave: self portrait
How do you describe mayBe to people? Like coming home If you were a superhero what would your special power be? I'd be Supermech and his special spanners that could fix anything, and the ability to read my wife's mind I couldn't live without... Sam, reading, beauty My favourite place in the world is... Wittenham Clumps / under a duvet / big skies of Suffolk / ski slope in winter / North Wales / behind the wheel driving the B4077 and A338 - but I want to visit Mongolia
dave @south park frisbee
My favourite place in Oxford is... The High on Easter Sunday - students are at home, no foreign visitors or language students around yet, only the people who live in Oxford full time are left and the city has a peaceful rest before the busyness of the summer - and the Kasbah on a Saturday night...all human life is there The meaning of life is... complicated If I had a million pounds I would... be a freelance writer and mentor
dave's interview
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 - 7:22pm