by mayBe-Cara

Effie is 23, a Project Worker at a local night shelter and has been with mayBe community since summer 2005 How are you feeling at the moment? content, yet restless, if that's possible... How do you describe mayBe to people? a health-giving, kingdom-believing journey of quiet talking, hope inspired blessed oddballs What's your sandwich filling of choice? homous with roasted veg and gherkins If you had ten pounds to spend on yourself what would you buy/do? I'd be down the pub What are you reading/watching/listening to at the moment? reading: Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake, a book on T S Eliot by Helen Gardner and Meditations on a theme by Anthony Bloom. Listening to Jack Johnson and otherwise by default b/c Tom is my housemate - traditional blues, jazz, folk, bluegrass - he hogs the stereo! When did you last laugh out loud - and why? last night at a friend going mad on our organ draw a self portrait here...
effie self portrait
Complete these sentences... My favourite place in Oxford is... my back garden which is currently covered in a very pretty blue weed and lots of dandelions My favourite place in the world is... St David's Pembrokeshire - truly a "thin place" boyfriends are overrated(!) Susan's homemade brown bread warm from the oven is the best thing since sliced bread
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 - 7:28pm