jon and topsy guys community meal 19 April 07
• Here's one of my snaps from last night's strange mix of sleepiness and raging debates! smiles Rich [20.4.07] • Hi all. Thanks Rich for the the photos - really good! We did have a lot of good debate last night about physical resurrection, our physical make-up, atoms colliding and merging, where all this takes place, the literalness of the bible, and also white bees... and we didn't even make it all the way through the resource. Our only idea for the improvisation was Belinda Carlisle's 'heaven is a place on earth'. Rach knows all the words apparently! Momentarily we confused this with Jon Bon Jovi's 'Living on a prayer' but anyway... It was a good challenging evening and a great start to the cycle. We also decided to continue with this cycle at my house, and then next cycle we'll transfer to the Yates's as default venue. Jon x [20.4.07] • I *so* think you should sing that out aloud, celebrating your lungs' maximum capacities, in a public space, I think that is definitely a good idea... ...did I mention that I'm away this weekend ;-P rich PS. Jane and Cara -- we missed you! [20.4.07] • Despite Rich's encouragement[!] we decided not to sing Belinda Carlisle's song for our improvisation yesterday on the Uni Parks. We enacted a simple death-tomb-resurrection thing by going from sitting, to lying down on the grass on our backs in silence for a few minutes, then getting up slowly. Really simple, but seemed to work... [Ian 23.4.07]Friday, April 20, 2007 - 7:40pm