community conversation & Eucharist 10 June
• here's where the conversation went on Sunday: Q. what are we finding life-giving about mayBe? what's good?- journeying with people, a community sharing the life journey - conversation around faith and embracing all areas of life - creativity including in worship - the meal [and the food!] / the meal is eucharistic - we have a structure which allows freedom for people to make suggestions and contribute - our life is being shaped by this - and through that the life of the people around us and the communities to which we belong or in which we participate [work/friends/neighbourhood etc] - sharing our experience with others eg via resources and Greenbelt - wonderful people - explicit focus on play Q. what is harder? what could we give more attention to?- the community emphasis is great but perhaps we can lose some focus on the faith sometimes? - how can we create space enough for people to explore the faith journey at their own pace, whilst also helping people to follow Christ? one answer: "commit as much as you are able, according to as much as you know" - could we have more focus on our daily prayer - some ideas: vows? conversation/blog/journal re prayer mat? monastery bell call to prayer [or reminder that prayer is going on] on our phones? - perhaps in our worship we sometimes tend back to trad church too much? [eg in creed, in peace-sharing?] - we are a largely white community in a multi-cultural city - the transition from one big community meal - some have missed the all-togetherness of the one big, and some have found it hard to get the most out of the conversation/resource process Q. any insights into the next steps on the journey?- what about a community house project, in which people live in community, and participate in something else already going on in the city [eg work with homeless young people]. We are inviting Becky's friends Jenny and Justin, who have a lot of experience in this area, for a conversation with mayBe and hope to get some insights from that - ideas for Greenbelt theme taking shape - something around encountering God and each other as we are, in this moment, in this body? - we'll know when the time is right to start new meal group[s] - can we offer immerse as way for potential new mayBe people to understand and embrace the life and spirit of the mayBe community We also looked briefly at finances. Last year [as in years 1 and 2] we came out with a surplus to take into the next year [this time £4K]. The current year 4 is looking pretty good - with the Charity grant just received and giving increasing at the same rate as to date we look like heading for a shortfall of around £6k - big money for us but in the big scheme of things a very achievable amount to seek.Tuesday, June 12, 2007 - 7:45pm