• Dear mayBers. We would like to host a new incarnation of the book club. Several of us used to enjoy book club: nothing heavy, just someone picks a book, we all read it and then have chattings about it over a glass or two of wine. Oh and if we get adventurous we might send round our review/comments.
What's new: Thinking that one month was not long enough for some of us to read the books, so let's try 6 weeks. Also, we used to meet in a bar but Tracey and I can't do that now with Harvey, so are offering to host it at ours (Cowley). Several friends from outside the mayBe circle joined us on occasion before and we want to keep this: everyone is very welcome to come along.
So Emma's chosen a book to get us started: "a thousand splendid suns" by Khaled Hosseini (who wrote The Kite Runner that book club enjoyed before). The paperback is just out and is buy one get one half price at the moment in town, and Emma's volunteered to buy them for anyone who wants them to make the most of this offer. Also it's cheap on Amazon:
Thousand Splendid Suns
So if you're interested, get it (via Emma or not), read it, and come chat with us on Monday 25 Febrary at 8pm. If there's loads of interest but people can't make that date then we'll think again, but would like to keep it to a Monday to fit around other mayBe stuff.
smiles, Rich & Tracey (Harvey didn't seem that interested, said it wasn't his genre but that he'd consider joining for the next book, as long as it had caterpillars and bits of mirror and things to chew.)

Saturday, January 12, 2008 - 8:03pm