- communicating prayer online eg twitter or facebook
- writing it in your diary
- taking the time to be mindful - not always multitasking
- be content with little things, little amounts of time
- praying for each other's concerns - perhaps have email list of words or names (no need for detail/info)
- community exploring creative simple engaged and playful living in the way of Jesus - pause prayerfully on each of the 7 elements of our calling (as footsteps, using icons on our website, as words etc) - eg use 'O Lord Hear My Prayer' taize chant
- wonder for mayBe community - what's sprouted in the garden, what's come back to life, new life? rebirth, new birth... new beginnings ... look, hear, smell, touch and sing!
- when wandering around on daily travels remember to look around, wondering at simle and magnificent signs from nature
- time to make space in your life for presence - quiet and contemplative
- laughter - sings a song (hymn, chorus etc) at the top of your voice! Louder!
- time to spend more time making space for play - keep as light-hearted as a child
- pause for thought every day
- grace, space, wonder, grit, resistance, laughter, presence (the spirit of mayBe) - hold each word prayerfully for members of mayBe and others
- remember to laugh everyday!
- be thankful and focus on gratitude
Monday, January 18, 2010 - 8:01am