- Making disciples
- Shaping confident collaborative leadership
- Creating vibrant Christian communities
- Making a difference in the world
- And throughout all this...sustaining the sacred centre
- We encourage each other to grow in faith
- We have a go, each trying to write resources and contribute to workship.
- Serving the fringe – many of our community have struggled with main stream church
- Out from under the bushel
- Simple & strong
- Challenge each other
- Encouraging others in their actions
- Prayer
- Website spreads our vision and makes connections globally
- Everyone contributes
- Ratio of member participation very good
- All ages
- Trusting
- Caring
- Impromptu events
- Prayer
- Through being
- Free to be
- Guardians
- Meeting outdoors
- Imagery and photos
- Godly play
- Labyrinths
Thursday, June 24, 2010 - 3:22pm