- Everyone has been an outsider at some point
- Desert and sea are places where people don't exist any more - no connection to the rest of the world no sense of identity
- A river is an outsider, going somewhere but doesn't belong anywhere
- Ishmael is given an identity - a name and a skill to identify him
- Element of insanity in being truly an outsider
- "go back to your community" - the Gospel legion story sends the outsider home.
Outsiders and the Eucharist
- Jesus becomes an outsider and in doing so redeems the outsider honour + shame honour must be sacrificed
- "My God, My God why have you forsaken me?"
- Being an outsider can be cool and hip - but being forsaken is being truly an outsider. Not cool at all!
- Forsaken by all but God?
- Inside vs outside of God's will forcing it our own way.
- Outsider Beatitudes - blessed are the refugees
- Blank labels given to lose identity
- Blank labels covered with newly written labels
- Sand drawings or sculpture - photographed and showed at eucharist Throw a ball of wool to each other to create web - then cut it to create outsiders
- A giant animosity bracelet
- Balloons - have an inside and outside
- Graffiti - outsider's art
- Stencil art
- Art where a surface layer is removed to show something
- A hoop with labels on the outside. Labels 2 sided with positive and negative words on different sides. Flip the labels over (into the hoop and inclusion) to show positive. e.g. Victim => Survivor.
- All labels dissolved and form home made paper - (is making paper a bit complex?)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - 9:27pm