Weather Cycle

Week1: Storm and tempest

thurs 7th june - 7pm -  community meal - Ali & Debs, resource Ali sun 10th june -  10:30am - gathering: Rock Edge, Headington, Ali facilitating

Week 2: Wind

thurs 14th june - 7pm - community meal: hosting and resource by Ginny sun 17th june - to be confirmed

Week 3:

no thursday gathering Camping weekend: 22nd - 24th june

Week 4: Rain and Flood

thursday 28th june - 7pm - community meal: hosting and resource by Famille de Robineau sunday 1st july - 3:30pm - gathering: Headington Quarry Church - Rev Tim Stead presiding - facilitator needed

Week 5: Sun and Drought

thurs 5th july - 7pm - community meal: Sam & Dave's - resource writer needed sun 8th july - 7pm - gathering: Eucharist at the Convent with Sister Margaret Anne - facilitator needed


thurs 12th july - community meal - greenbelt planning: host needed sun 15th july - facilitator needed

This tag describes things we're doing/have done. It's a bit of a diary for us, and hopefully it gives you an idea of what to expect if you'd like to join us one day - everyone welcome :-)

Our homepage should always show what's happening right now, and how to find us. For an overview of our cycles etc. see the what we do page.