images of church cycle

week 1

thursday 1 november - 7pm - community meal: Sam&Dave's sunday 4 november - 10.30am - gathering: South Park, John

week 2

thursday 8 november - 7.30pm - community meal: John&Emma's

week 3

friday 16 november - 5-7pm - messy church, Wood Farm family centre

week 4

thursday 22 november - 7pm - community meal: Rich&Tracey's

week 5

thursday 29 november - 7pm - community meal: Ali&Debs'

week 6

sunday 9 december - 3pm - Christingle service: Barracks Lane Community Garden, Sam

week 7

friday 14 december to sunday 16 december - Advent Retreat, Douai Abbey

This tag describes things we're doing/have done. It's a bit of a diary for us, and hopefully it gives you an idea of what to expect if you'd like to join us one day - everyone welcome :-)

Our homepage should always show what's happening right now, and how to find us. For an overview of our cycles etc. see the what we do page.