This month mayBe will be looking at the topic of Pilgrimage.
The calendar looks something like this:
Friday 3rd - Soup & Soul at Sam's
Sunday 12th at Rock Edge, Headington at 10:30am
Thursday 16th - evening discussion at Ali and Debs' starting at 7:30pm
The MayBe Camping Weekend - 24th - 26th.
The scallop shell is the traditional emblem of James, son of Zebedee, and is popular with pilgrims on the Way of St James to the apostle's shrine at Santiago de Compostela in Galicia (Spain).
Medieval Christians making the pilgrimage to his shrine often wore a scallop shell symbol on their hat or clothes. The pilgrim also carried a scallop shell with him, and would present himself at churches, castles, abbeys etc., where he could expect to be given as much sustenance as he could pick up with one scoop.

Friday, May 10, 2013 - 10:07am