God and community
Perhaps the most stunning discovery of the Church in almost 2000 years of reflection is that God is, in his own nature, community - Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Humanity carries this same divine pattern - and so we have this feeling that we might discover ourselves most fully and reach our greatest potential when we practise community. Some of the earliest recorded memories of the church that formed around Jesus's disciples paint an enticing picture of a vibrant, authentic, loving community. In mayBe we are therefore very interested in exploring what it might mean for a group of people with the usual human mix of circumstance and experience - both good and tough - to be a Christian faith community now, and to see what impact for good that might have in our wider communities.
a Eucharistic community

The Eucharist (also known as the Mass, Communion, the Lord's Supper or Breaking of Bread) is at the heart of our being community. In the sharing of this meal of bread and wine our sense is that Jesus is, amazingly and mysteriously present. In his presence we are nourished and made at one with each other and with the worldwide Church ancient, present and yet to come...
community life in mayBe
In the Gospels Jesus is continually portrayed as creating community, and restoring community where it has broken down. He is frequently pictured sharing a meal with people. Inspired by this we make a priority of being together around food and drink every week in for our community meals.

Here we share life together, try to work out how to live in the light of Jesus, and pray for each other and for the world. We are usually working with a piece of scripture, a book or an idea. The community meals are usually in our homes, and the meal is a simple one, occasionally a Eucharist, always seemingly Eucharistic in spirit. The gathering concludes with a liturgy, prayers are said, and we bless each other and the world. The community comes together at the weekend for worship and Eucharist in the mayBe Eucharist

Our worship of God is a community happening - everyone is (if they wish) involved. Usual ingredients include ambient music, songs of praise and lament, reflection on scripture and discussion to follow, improvisation, a ritual of some sort and prayers. The Eucharist reaches its high point with the simple sharing of Jesus's meal. And as always with mayBe - food and drink follow. We gather in various venues including 2 chapels - one modern (we say it's a womb to us) and one medieval - and we are frequently outdoors in big open spaces (they are a cathedral to us) . And we do lots of other stuff together.......

Community is at the heart of mayBe for more on community check out 'grace' on the spirit of mayBe page.