Happy new year!
We began the year with a lunch gathering and conversation based around chapter 19 of Brian McLaren's We Make the Road by Walking book.
Sunday 11 Jan - Little Sunday worship gathering - South Parks - 10.30am. We based our liturgy around the story of the three magi - three people from another place, another religion, who brought gifts. For our improvisation we thought of someone outside our comfort zone that we might be able to give a gift to; to talk to; to connect with. We wrote these down and put them into a gift - for God - which the kids helped wrap up and decorate! This was inspired by chapter 18 of the book we're reading. Then we took our muddy boots over to G&D's café (sorry!) and warmed up over coffee and ... ice cream!
Thursday 15th we met for a community meal in Cowley. It felt like the early days of mayBe - six of us round a table with a baby in a Moses basket on the floor! We discussed being prepared (or not) and being disciples, based around chapter 20 of Brian McLaren's book.
Thursday 29th - Pints and Prattle - The Marsh Harrier - 9pm onwards. All welcome.
Saturday 31st Jan - Big Saturday - 10am - 2pm. We took a walk in Brasenose woods at the bottom of Shotover (which was a little cold and wet!) followed by lunch + play + Eucharist at St Francis. We were looking for seeds [of the kingdom of heaven]; realised our knowledge of what's a seed and what isn't is not up to scratch (katkins?!); and sharing about those who we remember as great teachers.
Many thanks to Emma & John for organising our gatherings this month.