This month's theme is How did we get here? and we'll be looking at the history of those of us following "The Way" (as early Christians were called).
- 12 Nov 8pm - Tilly & Richard hosting community meal at theirs
- 20-22nd Annual retreat up near the Ridgway for mery-making and reflection.
- Friday 27 Nov 12.30pm - Soup & Soul simple lunch + spiritual practices. At Rich & Tracey's in East Oxford.
Earlier this month
On Sun 1 Nov, All Saints' Day, we met at Florence Park bandstand for a short outdoors worship using our new Wee Worship Books which included learning the real purpose of halos, making some from pipe-cleaners and beautiful autumn leaves, and giving thanks for saints past, present and unrecognised. The kids then had a lovely play in the park while we enjoyed the surprising November sun!
Tilly & Richard hosted their first community meal on the stormy evening of12 Nov. It was a thoughtful discussion looking at the Nicene creed and a recent statement by someone in the CofE about how he saw the church's role today.
20-22nd annual retreat, near Wantage
We went to the Courthill Centre again for our weekend pre-advent retreat. It was a really fun time and it was great to share it with some "forever mayBe" folks who don't get to join us much. The kids had a wonderful time.
It was a mix of simple liturgies/worship sessions; arts n crafts; discussions and walks in the wild winds in the woods. Photos will be posted soon!
Further ahead
Saturday 19 December Christmas party at St James' church hall in Cowley.