We're joining in with 30 Days Wild by the Wildlife Trusts encouraging us to do something to connect us to the wonderful wild world that God created us to be part of.
Here's a diary of events for the month:
- 1st June - picnic tea for everyone 4pm in Florence Park and time to play (weather permitting - it didn't!)
- 1st June - 14th June Oxford Festival of Nature - see oxfordfestivalofnature.org website highlights include
- Sat 4th 10am - 4pm wild fun day in Oxford Natural History Museum with live creepy crawlies and crocodiles
- Weds 8th Swift Walk around oxford city - meet at natural history museum 7.30-9pm.
- mayBe camping weekend Friday 10th - Sunday 12th at Bridge House Shillingford (near Wallingford)
- Friday night - I propose going to Sutton Courtney centre (near Didcot) for a Night-time Safari 7.30pm - 10.30pm - lets go bat detecting, moth trapping and frog and newt spotting! Should get the weekend off to a wild start...
- Saturday we will go for a walk and have an agape, gather round the camp fire and eat fish and chips - timing to be confirmed once people's availability is known.
- Sunday we'll worship and share breakfast, then break camp.
- Thursday 16th - 8pm community meal at Sam and Dave's in Chalgrove.
- Sunday 26th June - 3.30pm mayBe gathering at C S Lewis Nature Reserve, Risinghurst for some wild fun, worship and bring and share picnic
- Thursday 30th June - 8pm community meal at Sam and Dave's in Chalgrove.

Saturday, June 4, 2016 - 8:00am