Christ: following Jesus, the One who shows us God

mayBe - like countless Christian communities before us - is transfixed by the God-man Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ. We are not following an idea but a person. And this person can change everything. We are not just studying his teachings, but are looking for his presence. St Paul - one of the great figures in the early Church - wrote this:

It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for Ephesians 1:11 Message version

All we do as mayBe is coloured by the possibility that somehow - and amazingly - Jesus Christ is present. Down the centuries holy people who have devoted themselves to prayer have discovered that Jesus Christ may be closer than we can imagine. Our hands-on exploration thing immerse has a particular focus on the possibility of encounter with Jesus. The high point of our weekend worship gathering comes as we share his meal (the Eucharist] - a healing place, a place of encounter, a place of change.

Too dazzling to be seen, God seems to blind our sight. But Christ channels this consuming fire and, without dazzling us, lets God shine through. Br Roger of Taize

Jesus Christ is at the heart of mayBe for more on Christ check out 'presence' on the spirit of mayBe page