God and creativity
The ancient Jewish and Christian faith-texts picture God as being constantly and deeply creative: this from the book of Genesis..... 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth'

This God-creation-activity is not a one-off event but continuous - a constant re-creation that will culminate, according to the faith-texts, in all things being made new, restored, and put to rights. We sense that the God-inspired desire to be creative is one of the vital impulses that makes us human. As one of our heroes, David Dark, has pointed out: we are grateful for, and reckon that we are in dire need of whatever art can keep us awake and alive to the mystery. We long to receive and make art that highlights the amazing possibility of this world: the world that is, was, and is to come... So mayBe seeks to be a creative community where artists are encouraged, and everyone - regardless of our own confidence or experience - is given space and energy to get involved in the creative process.
creativity in mayBe
forever-mayBe people Steve and Moira regularly host exhibitions of work including that of the mayBe community
community art
We want to learn from contemporary artists, and so inspired by the likes of mayBe favourites Andy Goldsworthy, Richard Long and Anthony Gormley we are frequently creating some hands-on art together. For latest on our community art go to coming up Creativity is at the heart of mayBe
for more on creativity check out 'wonder' on the spirit of mayBe page