Community Gossip from 2017

Gossip? In Old English, a “godsibb” was a godmother or godfather, from “god” plus “sib,” meaning “relative” (related to our modern “sibling”). It was later used to refer to companions in childbirth – people from the community who were there in difficult and celebratory times.

Here you'll find a list of things we've been doing/thinking/reading.

Kite making

This month we're thinking about Jesus' appearances and making kites to remember his ascension - a mayBe tradition!

Photo of our Good Friday improvisation

We met on Good Friday at the Kidneys nature reserve in Oxford and as we walked we found spots to stop to read from the stations of the cross texts and do some singing. As an improvisation to engage with Jesus crucified we each took a flower to represent the beauty of Jesus the person and destroyed it. We dropped the petal remnants on the ground, and it fell in the dirt and some charcoal from a long-cold fire. Before we left we kneeled around it, like the women at the cross reaching up in sorrow.