This tag describes things we're doing/have done. It's a bit of a diary for us, and hopefully it gives you an idea of what to expect if you'd like to join us one day - everyone welcome :-)
Our homepage should always show what's happening right now, and how to find us. For an overview of our cycles etc. see the what we do page.
sunday 18 december - 2.30pm - christingle service, Bethlehem Chapel followed by refreshments in the Upton Room
we will begin a new cycle in the New Year
this cycle we will be looking together at Brian McLaren's book 'Naked Spirituality: a life with God in twelve simple words'. mayBe has lots of copies so if you need a copy get in touch:
week 1
thursday 27 october - 7pm - community meal: John & Emma's, resource: Sam
sunday 30 october - 10.30am - gathering: South Park
thursday 16 june - 7pm - community meal: Toby's, resource: Anita
sunday 19 june - 10.30am til 1pm with bring and share lunch - all community conversation @ the Mish
week 2
thursday 23 june - 7pm - community meal: Kate's, resource: Andrea
This cycle we're planning to use poetry and poems as the focus of our discussions, always aiming to build each other up in faith, and support each other in creating community.
Week 1
thurs 16th sept Cara hosting - bring your favourite Peoms!
This seven-week cycle we're looking at various monastic practices. How can they shape us as a very different type of community?
Throughout the cycle we'll be keeping Saturdays free for Greenbelt preparation.
Week 1
Thurs 22 July. Kate/Andrea hosting community meal in Thame. Resource by Cara.