Community Gossip

Gossip? In Old English, a “godsibb” was a godmother or godfather, from “god” plus “sib,” meaning “relative” (related to our modern “sibling”). It was later used to refer to companions in childbirth – people from the community who were there in difficult and celebratory times.

Here you'll find a list of things we've been doing/thinking/reading.

Chocolate brioche and flapjack was munched, much table-football was played, and space was made for children to play, adults to talk, and all to pray.  We had a big turn out with Sylvie, Isla, Ariane, Niamh & Ezra and Theo all bringing responsible-ish adults along.  It was particularly great to catch up with Darko before the family move to Dublin for 3 months to drastically reduce his commute to work to 15 mins!
gathered around the snow may this inspire us all to find our daily discipline of prayer as part of mayBe's pattern of community life. These came from discussions at community meals and worship gathering in our spirit of mayBe cycle.
  • communicating prayer online eg twitter or facebook
It was wonderful to be gathered together at Bethlehem chapel in our wellies and hiking boots having braved the snow to start the year with a gentle but heartfelt statement of intent.  Amazingly all seven members of mayBe taking on guardianship of different areas of our shared life were present to join with the community in making vows and receiving blessings.  This is the start of my third (and final) year as guadian of space/exploring and it is such a privilege to serve in this role.  I see it as a challenge to myself in the first place, and then to the community, to keep growing in faith and
happy 2010 everyone! This cycle re-looking at the spirit of mayBe: a community exploring simple, creative, engaged, playful living in the way of Christ.

Week 1: community, grace

Cara's made this week's resource on grace, and the community meal on Thursday will be at Tracey, Rich & Harvey's. Also this week: Saturday community meal @ the Mish at 10am, and Sunday 10:30 @ the convent chapel for a renewal of guardians' vows, including dismissals, renewals and welcoming Ali as a new guardian, too! Music makers come at 10 on Sunday to prepare.

Week 2: exploring, space

Thanks Ginny for sharing this poem, written on the mayBe retreat

We are forged in a crucible, round and warm. Our phoenix community; family; burgeoning. Watching the flames, Travelling with grace. Our prayers lifting with the smoke and light. Laughter and gurgling rising through the dark. And in the stillness, the coals glow, and become useful.

apples of wisdom Here's what's going on in mayBe this advent: 
  • Thurs 17 December: no meeting
  • Sat 19 December: no meeting
  • Sun 20 December: Walk in Shotover, mince pies and mulled wine at Rich, Tracey & Harvey's. Yum!
community conversation 20 Sept 2009 This cycle is called The Word Cycle. We’ll be looking at words in all their forms: speaking, text,  language and stories.

Harvey and Niamh This cycle we're looking at children and childhood through the eyes of the Christian tradition - hopefully helping us to think about ourselves as children (the one relationship we all share) of our parents as well as children of our heavenly Father, and our attitudes towards child

mayBe usually follows a seven-week cycle, six weeks of Thursday community meals and Sunday Eucharist/worship gatherings followed by a week of rest; a time for friends, family. We'll be starting a full new cycle with a new theme after Greenbelt, but let's consider the few weeks up-to Greenbelt as a mini-cycle! There's lots of food for thought and prayer in the GB theme (standing in the long now), and we've got our new forms worship contribution to get ready.
  • thurs 13 august: community meal at the emma & john's
john makes light patterns It's week seven! mayBe rests on week seven, so no community meal or Sunday gathering this week. We'll put up details for the whole next cycle soon.
mayBe's journeying cycle welcomed Benny Wenda, a West Papuan independence leader whose village was bombed by Indonesia when he was a child and many of his family were killed. Later, he began to campaign peacefully to free the West Papuan people. For this 'crime' he was arrested, tortured and threatened with death. Benny and his lovely family told us about their harrowing journey, and the ongoing plight of the West Papuan people.
Labyrinth tile Team GB met again. We did an early run-through of the plans to see how it felt. And it felt good! A few new ideas and lots of volunteering to take bits on left us with the following even more exciting, updated plan. Look out for a beta test coming to a community Sunday near you soon!
Labyrinth tile On 24th July 09 the Rev Andrew Bunch came to tell us about his pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. There were a few things that stuck in my mind…
    Labyrinth tile
    Sunday 26 July we're celebrating in that great outdoors/cathedral, known to others as South Park, 10:30. Thursday 30th July, 7pm we'll be meeting at Sam, Dave and Ariane's to explore the Chalgrove labyrinth!
    labyrinthThis Thurs (16 July) we're meeting at Debs & Ali's in Headington. A chance to consider mayBe's current journey, including hearing back about the meeting with the Bishop (Weds 15th). Sunday 19th July: 12:30  Saint Mary and John's Church Labyrinth, Cowley Rd (opposite the Coop!)
    Thursday: Meeting at Jim's in Cowley for the community meal, and thanks Sam for preparing our resource on laberynths. Sunday Eucharist we're joining with Home and StillPoint for their Into the Silent land eucharist (part of the StillPoint weekend with Martin Laird) in St John's church Iffley Road (St. Steven's House -- opposite university rugby ground) at 10:30am.
    post modern circle Is a circle a single utopian line or can it be made up of many straight lines? Are there many truths that contribute to the truth, was Jesus a modernist, teaching with many stories that bring us closer to understanding God's purpose, does post-modernism lead us back to Jesus?
    Ian at the weekend awayThanks to all for a great weekend away in Watlington! Here is a  blessing from the leaving ceremony on Sunday:- God of our beginnings and endings, We celebrate all we have shared with Ian & Gail And ask your blessing as they continue on their journey.
    [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="75" caption="pic by dave"]tree and sky by Dave[/caption] We met at Topsy, Jon & Isla's to crystalise all the great ideas we've had from the three GB discussions so far. Still lots of questions, but exciting to see potential shapes coming out; ideas finding a home in the structure. Oooh, don't look at this, it's out-of-date! Look at this instead!
